
Saturday, November 28, 2015

Map your car fuel consumption

Torque Log Analyzer can be used on non-Hybrid cars also.
Here's a sample, using the RPM & Fuel Distribution chart, to map fuel consumption.
You'll need to collect RPM, FuelFlow (cc/min), and OBD Speed PIDs, which are standard PIDs, available for every car model.

As fuel consumption, at a given speed, is affected by many factor, (temperature, acceleration, slope), one single trip won't give consistent results, so collect multiple trips.
Best trips are:
1) trips on the same road, in both directions (to even out elevation differences), with similar weather conditions.
2) trips with long stretches of constant speed
3) different speeds on the same trip
4) same PIDs on all the trips, in the same order.
5) record mileage reported by the on-board computer for each trip, in L/100km.

Open the first csv log file
Select File / Import and choose the second log file
Select "Append rows to current sheet" as the import action
Repeat for all the log files.

Start Torque Log Analyzer
Select Additional Analytics / RPM & Fuel distribution
Select Option / Car: non-Hybrid
Select Option / Flow Correction Factor and set it to the value explained at this link

Click Analyze

Here is the result for a Fiat Panda 4x4 1.3Mj 75cv:

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